Upload Confirmation Reports
Within 24 hours after a recording is uploaded, the Dharmaseed website will attempt to normalize the recording's volume level and trim any 'dead air' from the beginning and end. A short report of this processing is emailed to the person who uploaded the talk, along with a plot of the power levels found within the recording.
A typical plot appears as follows:
The essential information is the background and speech power levels. If the recorder is correctly set, the speech power level will fall within the 'Ideal Peak-Speech Range'. If you find that the speech power level is above -27dB, the recorder's input level should be decreased. If you find that the speech power level is below -33 dB, the recorder's input level should be increased. Generally you can safely err on the low side, since the system will be able to boost it to the standard level (-30dB) without problems. However, when recordings are made with the input set too high (too 'hot' in recording parlance), distortion is permanently introduced that cannot be corrected, even after the system reduces the recording's volume to the standard level (-30dB).